Earlier OIA Events



OIA Annual General Meeting (AGM) Highlights

29-30 September
Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany

Thank you to all of our members for making the Potsdam Conference a success. We held our 2011 Annual Conference and General Meeting 29-30 September in Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany. The OIA partnered with the Osteopathic European Academic Network (OsEAN) to present “Teaching Palpation,” which was part of the larger “Thorax – Movement, Breathing, Life” conference, hosted by the German Osteopathic Association (VOD) and German Association for Osteopathic Physicians (DGOM).

In attendance at the OIA-OsEAN conference were more than 140 osteopathic registrants from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, New Zealand, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
More Conference highlights.


  • 2011 Educational Forum Book (PDF)
  • 2011 Draft AGM Minutes (PDF)

Memberships ratified since the 2010 AGM

Full members:

  • British Osteopathic Association (BOA)
  • Federation Suisse des Osteopathes (FSO-SVO)

Partner members:

  • Institut des Hautes Etudes Osteopathique de nantes (IdHEO, Nantes)
  • The Irish College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM)
  • Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OAO)

Board Election Outcomes (elected by the Full Membership):

  • Peter Ajluni, DO (US), was re-elected to the Board
  • Jane Carreiro, DO (US), was nominated to her first term on the Board
  • Karen Nichols, DO (US), was nominated to her first term on the Board

OIA Board Meeting and Roundtable Discussion

17-19 March
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

2011 Strategic Planning

  • The Board underwent a strategic planning session to update and revise their plan for 2011-2013
  • The Board revised the OIA’s Mission and Vision statements

Approval of Draft Minutes

  • 2010 Draft of Annual General Meeting (final approval will be made by the OIA voting members at the 2011 Annual General Meeting)
  • 2010 San Francisco WHO Roundtable Discussion Minutes

Membership Applications

The Board approved the following new members:

Full Member:

  • The Swiss Osteopaths Federation (FSO-SVO)
  • The British Osteopathic Association (BOA), previously an Associate member

Partner Members:

  • The Irish College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM)
  • The Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OAO)

Committee Revisions:
The Board revisited the missions of the committees, revised them as appropriate, and created a Governance Committee and Research Task Force. The committees and task forces have invited new members to join and will develop working plans and goals based on the Strategic Plan, to be completed by the Potsdam Conference.

OIA Consensus Report on Osteopathy
An open forum was held during the Board’s March meeting, inviting members to participate in a discussion of the drafting of the OIA Consensus Report on Osteopathy, being prepared to complement the WHO Benchmarks for Training in Osteopathy. Representatives of nearly a dozen OIA member organisations were present to discuss the Report’s preparation and provide input on the make up of the document.


OIA Annual General Meeting (AGM) Highlights

23-26 October
San Francisco, California, USA

Thank you all who were able to join us in San Francisco and be a part of the successful “Bridge to OpportUNITY” Programme, held in conjunction with OMED 2010. You can watch videos from OMED’s Opening Session and read more about the attendees.

This year’s attendance included: 7 Full member organisations; 26 Associate & Partner member groups and 2 outside organisations.


  • Educational Forum Book (PDF)
  • 2010 AGM Booklet (PDF)

Memberships ratified since the 2009 AGM

Associate members:

  • Registro Brasileiro dos Osteopatas (RBrO)

Partner members:

  • American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP)
  • Bundesverband Osteopathie e.V. (BVO)
  • Centre Ostopathique Du Qubec (COQ)
  • Escuela Espaola de Formacin Osteoptica (EFO)
  • European Institute for Osteopathic Medicine (EIOM)
  • Institute of Osteopathic Medicine (IOM)
  • Osteopathic Council of New Zealand (OCNZ)
  • Osteopathic European Academic Network (OSEAN)

Board Election Outcomes (elected by the Full Membership):

  • Mr Tim Walker (UK) was elected by acclamation to the GOsC seat, which was vacated by Ms Gilvarry after leaving the Council; this is a three-year term.
  • Mr Fielding (UK) was re-elected to the Board for a three-year term.
  • DrMed Mayer (DE) was re-elected to the Board for a three-year term.

Board Officer Elections (elected by the Board of Directors):

  • DrMed Mayer (DE) was elected Chair of the Board, a two-year term.
  • Mr Standen (NZ) was elected Vice-Chair of the Board, a two-year term.
  • Dr Ajluni (US) was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Board, a two-year term.

OIA Board Meeting

20-21 March
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

The OIA Board met at the American Academy of Osteopathy’s (AAO) Convocation.

  • The Board heard reports from guests from the Register of the Brazilian Osteopaths (RBrO), the International Academy of Osteopathy (IAO), the Society for the Promotion of Manual Practice Osteopathy (SPMPO) and Canadian Federation of Osteopaths (CFO), who were in attendance at the Convocation.
  • The Board voted to approve their first newsletter and developed a schedule for future newsletters.
  • The Board used the membership survey sent out earlier this year to frame a strategic planning session that will shape the Alliance’s activities for the next two years.
  • Out of the Strategic Planning, the Board targeted several steps that will be used to bolster communication within the Alliance and to reach out to other osteopathic organisations.
  • The Board received a proposal from the JAOA-The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association about a potential partnership, which will be presented to the membership this year.


OIA Annual General Meeting (AGM) Highlights

16-18 October
Sydney, Australia

This year’s attendance included: 7 Full member organisations; 14 Associate & Partner member groups and 2 outside organisations.


  • Draft Minutes (PDF)
  • Meeting Update (PDF)
  • 2009 AGM Booklet (PDF)

Memberships ratified since the 2008 AGM

Full member:

  • German Osteopathic Association (VOD)

Associate members:

  • Canadian Federation of Osteopaths (CFO)
  • The Consiglio Superiore di Osteopathia (CSdO)

Partner members:

  • American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventive Medicine (AOCOPM)
  • Centre International D’Osteopathie (CIDO)
  • College Osteopathique de Provence (COP)
  • Registre des Osteopathes du Quebec (ROQ)
  • Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation Belgium (SCTF Belgium)

Full Membership reviewed the following proposed Bylaws Changes and took the indicated action:

  1. Tabled for further discussion – Creation of an additional Board seat – The Board presented, for the Full membership’s consideration, the addition of a tenth seat on the Board to include the largest international organisation with the most multi-national members.
  2. Approved – Chairmanship: The Board put forth a proposal to make it desirable that the Chairmanship will alternate terms between an osteopath and osteopathic physician.
  3. Approved – Length of Officer Term: The Board put forth a bylaws change recommending all OIA Board officers (Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary-Treasurer) hold a two-year term.

These changes will be reflected in the updated bylaws

Board Election Outcomes

  • Dr. Boyd Buser (US), per the bylaws, was elected by acclamation for a three-year term to one of the two seats reserved for the largest osteopathic physician member, which is currently the AOA-US.
  • Ms Gilvarry (UK) was elected by acclamation to fill the remaining term of the empty GOsC seat which will expire at the 2010 AGM.
  • Mr Standen (NZ) was re-elected to the Board for a three-year term.
  • Mr. Mulholland-Licht (AU) was elected to the Board for a three-year term.

World Health Organisation (WHO)

The OIA’s letter writing campaign to the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the publication of the WHO Guidelines on Basic Training and Safety in Osteopathy resulted in more than a dozen OIA member organisations sending letters to The WHO, urging publication of the document.

Board Meeting at the American Academy of Osteopathy’s Convocation

27-28 March
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

  • The Board met with representatives from the German Osteopathic Association (VOD) who were in attendance at the AAO Convocation.
  • The Board voted to develop a letter and plan to work with the WHO to finalize publication of the WHO Guidelines on Basic Training and Safety in Osteopathy
  • The Board approved membership applications for:
    1. Associate membership:
      • Canadian Federation of Osteopaths (CFO)
    2. Partner membership:
      • American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventative Medicine (AOCOPM)
      • Centre International D’Osteopathie (CIDO)
      • College Osteopathique de Provence (COP)
      • Registre des Osteopathes du Quebec (ROQ)
      • Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation Belgium (SCTF. B)


OIA Annual Conference & General Meeting
7-10 November
Chicago, IL, USA
Approved Minutes (MS Word)

Annual Conference
Co-hosted with the British School of Osteopathy at the Advancing Osteopathy 2008 Conference
3 February
London, England
See the Press Release (PDF)

Annual General Meeting
31 January
London England

  1. The membership approved its first Bylaws change, creating a path for Associate and Partner members to sit on the Board of Directors.
  2. The OIA held its first Board elections for three seats (through 2010):
    • Mr. Simon Fielding, OBE, Lay member
    • Mr. Vince Cullen, DO, General Osteopathic Council
    • Dr. Med Johannes Mayer, MD, DOM, German Association for Osteopathic Medicine (DGOM)

Board Meeting
30 January
London England

  • Approved Partner membership applications for:
    • AVT College for Osteopathic Medicine
    • Lincoln Memorial University – DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine