2024: Annual General Meeting & Conference – Sydney, Australia

Save-the-Date for the OIA’s 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference!

When: October 24 – 26, 2024

Location: Sydney Central Hotel; 169-179 Thomas Street, Haymarket, Sydney, Australia

Thank you to our host members, Osteopathy Australia and Osteopaths New Zealand!

Additional Information:
Thank you to everyone who applied during our open call-for-speakers. We will be contacting applicants in April, with the goal of publishing a draft agenda of topics and speaker names when registration opens later this spring.

In the meantime, conference attendees are encouraged to book accommodations as soon as possible either at the Sydney Central Hotel (conference headquarters), or via Booking.com, AirBnB, or another booking website. We have been advised that most attendees from Osteopathy Australia and Osteopaths New Zealand choose their own accommodations near the conference headquarters, and therefore, there is no dedicated room block.

Additional information regarding the conference and registration will be forthcoming soon!