2023-2024 Committees
OIA Chair’s Standing Committee: Dr. Boyd Buser (Chair), Mr. Philippe Sterlingot (Chair-Elect), Ms. Ana Paula Ferreira (Immediate Past Chair), Maurice Cheng (Treasurer)
Purpose: Provide an advisory role to the chair with no decision-making power. The Chair’s Standing Committee oversees the administrative and financial management of the OIA between Board meetings and to ensure implementation of Board directed decisions. The Committee will also oversee and manage the relationship between the OIA Board and Secretariat.
Conference Organizing Committee: Dr. Rebecca Giusti (Chair), Dr. Jan Willcox, Dr. Frank Mueller, Ms. Hanna Tómasdóttir, Ms. Catherine Cabral-Marotta, Ms. Laura Lee Calonius (Kamppila), Dr. Alexios Carayannopoulos, Mr. Antony Nicholas, Ms. Glynis Fox
Purpose: The Conference Organizing Committee coordinates the OIA annual conference and affiliated board meetings, the AGM, and the host conference, together with the Secretariat and member host organization leadership. The committee will also identify potential member host organizations, oversee the applications and financial pro-formas from interested member organizations, and will work with the member host to produce a successful event.
Governance Committee: Mr. Maurice Cheng (Chair), Mr. Antony Nicholas, Dr. Kendi Hensel, Dr. Dominique Silvestre, Dr. William Burke
Purpose: The Governance Committee is responsible for periodically reviewing and recommending updates to the OIA Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Manual, and for ensuring adherence to the organization’s foundational documents.
Membership Committee: Ms. Hanna Tómasdóttir (Chair), Dr. Jan Willcox, Mr. Philippe Sterlingot, Dr. Kendi Hensel, Dr. Dominique Silvestre, Ms. Ana Paula Ferreira
Purpose: The Membership Committee identifies potential new members and oversees the application and approval process. The Committee will also manage the five-year review process of current OIA member organizations and will recommend membership category revision(s) and new member organization nominations to Board as needed.
Nominations Committee: Ms. Ana Paula Ferreira (Chair), Dr. William Burke, Ms. Hanna Tómasdóttir, Ms. Nancy Spence, Mr. Arnaud Bonardi, Dr. Jan Willcox
Purpose: The purpose of the Nomination Committee is to manage the processes of identifying potential new board members, nominations, and elections.
Public and Member Relations Committee: Ms. Laura Lee Calonius (Kamppila) (Chair), Ms. Nikole Grbin, Ms. Irina Egorova, Mr. Clive Standen, Dr. Frank Mueller, Ms. Gail Abernethy, Ms. Natalia Rocha, Dr. Ekaterina Voyevodskaya, Ms. Line Rolvaag. Ms. Ana Paula Ferreira
Purpose: The OIA Public and Member Relations is responsible for providing guidance to staff for initiatives that involve outreach and relations with member organizations and external stakeholders, as it relates to the OIA Website, International Osteopathic Healthcare Week, reporting of research including updates to the Global Report.