Applying for Membership

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the OIA – we welcome new members from around the world! The OIA has three categories of membership:

Full Members: Osteopathic organizations directly representative of osteopaths and/or osteopathic physicians from any country where Osteopathic Physicians and/or Osteopaths are recognized as (a) distinct profession(s) and (b) regulated by law. In countries where there are multiple legally recognized organizations, the organization representing the most professionals (osteopathic physicians or osteopaths) in that country shall be considered for full member status. Alternatively, OIA membership can be shared by a coalition of eligible organizations who formally agree to collaborate. The possibility of adding more members to the coalition will be reviewed at the previously scheduled time of review of the original member(s) unless the board specifies otherwise.

Associate Members: Established or emerging organizations directly representative of osteopaths and/or osteopathic physicians from any country where Osteopathic Physicians and/or Osteopaths are working towards governmental recognition and the legal establishment of the Osteopathic profession and full membership in the OIA.

Partner Members: Defined as organizations/institutions with goals and objectives that are consistent with those of the OIA, but who do not meet the criteria of Full or Associate Membership.

To apply for membership with the OIA:

ALL applicants must submit:

  1. A letter on your organization’s letterhead requesting membership in the OIA,
  2. Mission, goals, and bylaws (in English, with certified translation), and
  3. The number of members currently in the organization.

FULL & ASSOCIATE applicants must also submit:

  1. An organizational and staff profile (including membership numbers, distribution, type of training, educational criteria, number of staff, etc.)
  2. Legal authority (federal, state, or provincial laws) by which your organization is registered/accredited
  3. Annual report (if applicable)

PARTNER applicants must also submit:

  1. Information about your organization, including membership numbers, type of training, degree awarded, educational criteria, etc. (NOTE: The Board reserves the right to request external validation of a Partner applicant’s curricula)

All materials should be in English, whether in the original or accompanied by a satisfactory and certified translation. In addition, a non-refundable fee of US$100 must be paid at the time of application.

Upon receipt of a completed application and fee, the Secretariat will forward all materials to the Membership Committee for review. If the application is complete and no additional information or clarification from the applicant is necessary, the Committee will request input from current member organizations within the same country as the applicant organization. The Committee will thereafter make a recommendation to approve or decline the application at the next meeting of the full Board of Directors. Applicants will be advised of the decision following the concurrence of the Board. Admission to a membership level in the OIA is at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.


Finally, please note that the Osteopathic International Alliance accepts educational institutions as partner members, but does not assess or certify the quality of these schools, does not offer accreditation or standards enforcement, and does not intend an approval of membership to be interpreted or presented as such.

