Host a Conference

OIA AGM and Conference: Request for Venue Proposals

The Board of Directors invites member organizations to apply to host future OIA annual general meetings and Conferences. These conferences annually themed “Osteopathic Healthcare: A Global Presence,” allow us to together as a global community of osteopathic physicians and osteopaths to connect not only with each other but also with a diverse group of speakers and resources in order to learn more about the state of osteopathic healthcare around the world. Hosting an OIA conference is hard work but brings with it many benefits: it highlights your organization, gives you access to dynamic speakers and resources, and allows you raise awareness about the profession within your country.

The conference host application cycle for 2026 is now closed. We are accepting applications to host annual conferences from 2027 onward on a rolling basis, and invite your OIA member organization to submit an application.

If you are interested in hosting an OIA conference, we encourage you to review the following documents and download the application:

Please contact [email protected] with questions, comments, and your completed application.